BPS Breakout Edu Site

Jennifer Paterson, wonderful Breakout guru from Ponderosa, and Ann Brucker, wonderful TIS Breakout guru, had a FANTASTIC idea to create our very own sandbox for all of those Breakout games BPS teachers have been creating! This is a place where BPS teachers will be able to share and find games created by each other! Find one, play one, create one, submit one... this site is yours to use for all of it. Click the image above to visit the BPS Breakout Edu site, or visit breakoutedu.com to find out more about this engaging learning activity!

If you have a game (either physical or digital) you have created, PLEASE submit it so that we can see how this is going to work. Going by Google's principle of "Ship & Iterate," Ann wants you to know that this is a work in progress. There will certainly be things that need to be fixed on the site; let Jen or Ann know what you want added or changed, and we'll get 'er done! :-)


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