
Showing posts from September, 2015

10 Fast Fingers!

This year we will be focusing on our W-P-M...or "words per minute." This is the number that represents how fast we can type. Similiar to a car's speed that is shown by "Miles Per Hour", our WPM tells us how many words we can type per minute. Click on the link below to take a quick one minute timed test and see your WPM. Can you beat your score by the end of the year? I bet you can!                                                                     

Website of the Week!

Back to school time means time to hit the books! If math is not your best subject and you find yourself having difficulty with tricky math vocabulary this website is for you! A Math Dictionary for Kids is a just what the name suggests- a math dicitonary for kids! It is so great! Look up your math words by first letter, read through the easy to understand definitions, fill in practice questions with the new word, and even print! Wish I had this when I was in school...oh well, lucky you!

Welcome Back!

We had a great first week back to school! I was happy to see my students again from School #4/5 and School #9 along with some new faces. The first class was a great time to go over some basic computer lab procedures and also let you know about all that is in store for us this year. Just remember the 3 most important computer lab rules and you will have a terrific year. I look forward to a wonderful year with all of you. 1) Use a quiet hand   2) Follow Directions   3) Try your best every class!     Don't forget to earn those tiger tickets and tech tickets!